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Of course, the baby who wears this outfit has no concept of politics and probably has no idea who President Trump is. Neither does the child understand all that President trump has already done for him. However, if the baby could know and understand, he would have many reasons to endorse the president and his reelection. Trump is probably one of the best friends this baby has ever had.
First of all, President Trump has taken a stand against abortion. He has said publicly many times that every child is a precious gift from God. During his first term in office, Donald Trump has appointed three justices to the supreme court. Each of these justices was firmly pro-life. And they accomplished something which many thought would never happened. Together with other conservative justices, they overturned the evil, blood-thirsty ruling of Roe vs. Wade, the barbaric abortion decision which since 1973 has costed the lives of more than 63 million defenseless and innocent unborn children. There is still much more work to do, but because of President Trump there are many thousands of babies alive today who were saved from being butchered in abortion clinics.
President Trump started no new wars during his term. New wars would have costed the lives of many American soldiers, so many children would not have fathers to raise them. And where military combat was already in progress, Trump executed operations decisively and effectively. In Iran and Syria Trump broke the back of ISIS, the barbaric, blood-thirsty Islamic militant group which swears death to America. He economically bled Iran dry till it was not able to do major terrorist operations. Russia, China, and North Korea were afraid to make aggressive moves on their neighbors because they were afraid off how Trump might respond. During his last 18 months in office, not one single American soldier was killed in Afghanistan because the Taliban was so afraid of President Trump. But when the 2020 election was stolen, the Taliban was not at all afraid of Biden. In obedience to China, Biden fled Afghanistan, leaving America’s sworn enemies with more than 85 billion dollars of the finest military equipment in the world, paid for by American tax payers.
And there are so many other things. In his next term, President Trump promises to defend the rights of parents to raise their children without government interference. He will forbid government schools to mandate vaccine injections and face masks which are very ineffective and very unhealthy and absolutely unnecessary for our children. He will close the border to illegal immigrants who are a great danger to all Americans, including our youngest. These are just a few of the reasons why, if babies were allowed to vote in presidential elections, President Trump would be the logical choice.