ROMANS 8:31 – 1

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Satan is a defeated enemy. There is nothing he can do to change that. His defeat was secured and his doom was sealed at the moment that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Up till then it looked like the devil had won. The enemies of Jesus were elated. The demons were rejoicing. The disciples were in despair. All those who loved Jesus were dejected and in moUrning. They had thought that Jesus Christ had come to Jerusalem to set up His kingdom, and then they woke up one morning to see the Lord beaten, humiliated, and nailed to a cross. Nothing made any sense. But then everything changed when the risen Jesus Christ started making appearances to His people. What seemed to be the devil’s greatest victory was actually his greatest defeat. Jesus had won. If death could not stop Jesus, then nothing can stop Him.


Since Jesus Christ won the battle against Satan’s kingdom of darkness, when we got saved we joined His team, and we became winners, too. We win because Jesus won. If nothing could stop the Lord Jesus, nothing can stop the committed Christian through whom the Holy Spirit is working. That does not include the carnal “Christian” who loves the present world and is living his life for himself. That person will suffer loss. When his life ends he leaves all his treasure behind. But for the believer who is committed to God and His work, all of God’s wisdom and all of God’s power is working for him. That makes him unstoppable because Jesus Christ is unstoppable. That doesn’t mean that a soldier for Jesus will not suffer. What that does mean is that there is nothing Satan can do to stop God’s purposes to be accomplished in us.


Satan is defeated, but he is not about to admit it. Satan is determined to avenge the humiliation he suffered at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Anyone doing God’s work will be the devil’s special target. The devil probably thinks that somehow he is going to turn things around and win in the end. After all, hasn’t Satan successfully controlled the governments and corrupted the great masses of the world? Hasn’t Satan successfully removed prayer and Bible reading from our public schools? Hasn’t the devil filled our nation and the world with abortion, drug addiction, and prostitution? Isn’t Christianity being suppressed in many places like China, Iran, and North Korea? Aren’t Christians being heartlessly murdered in places like Nigeria? In all appearances, it would look like Satan is winning, and that’s why so many stay on his team. But it also looked like Satan was winning when Jesus was nailed to the cross and sealed in the tomb. But Satan wasn’t winning then, and he’s not winning now. What looks like Satan’s greatest success is actually his greatest defeat. That will be proven when Jesus Christ returns.