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On January 30, 2023, the Cochrane Review published a report by Dr. Tom Jefferson, based on 78 random trials with over 610,000 participants, concerning the effectiveness of face masks to protect against a covid-19 virus infection. The conclusion of the report was that “There is just no evidence that they [face masks] make any difference” in stopping the spread of covid-19. Of course, we already knew this, but finally it was printed in a publication which is considered to be “The Gold Standard” of medical research. There had been other studies that said differently, but those studies were non-randomized and flawed observational studies, based on models and predictions, not based on actual data. Both the common surgical masks and the more sophisticated N-95 masks gave the same results in this study. There was no evidence that either gave any protection at all.


At the beginning of the pandemic, Anthony Fauci said on 60 Minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.” Then suddenly Anthony Fauci changed his story. Now he was saying that face masks were a must for everyone. The Department of Health began to say the same thing, and so did many health “experts” and policy makers. What had happened? One thing that happened was that President Trump said he didn’t like face masks, and he would not endorse them. Then health “experts” thought it was politically expedient to contradict President Trump so that the public would not trust him. Now everybody had to use face masks almost everywhere – in schools, at airports, in stores, and even outside in parks. Nobody should be allowed to think that President Trump knew what he was talking about.


But, although the masks did not protect anyone from covid-19, the masks did accomplish one thing — CHILD ABUSE. Children, who were in virtually no danger at all of the virus, were required to wear face masks at school. They were traumatized by teachers who convinced them that their lives were in danger. Not only so, without the mask they could take the sickness home and infect and kill their parents and grandparents. Many innocent and impressionable children, of course, knew no better than to believe the lie. In one of the many tragic cases, there was a small little girl who could not wear the mask. It made her face break out. Even with a letter from the family doctor, the mother had to really fight to secure a medical exemption for her daughter at school. When the exemption was finally grudgingly granted by the school, her teachers made a humiliating spectacle of the child. They prepared for her a special enclosure of plexiglass where she was shut in like an animal in a cage — her punishment for having a politically incorrect mother.


Face masks were a danger to all the children who were compelled to use them. Face masks caused carbon-dioxide around the nose and mouth to accumulate, significantly reducing the oxygen intake, and greatly impeding the student’s ability to learn. As a result, the National Assessment of Educational Progress shows a sharp decline in student performance since 2019. Besides impeding oxygen flow to the brain, all kinds of germs would accumulate and breed inside the face masks, putting the child at risk for many different kinds of infections. The materials used in some of the masks are carcinogens. In some cases, pieces of the masks were inhaled and became lodged in the lungs. There was also a mental impact. Since starting to mandate the face masks, teenagers, especially girls, became depressed and anxious in greater numbers than ever before. All this because the deep swamp snakes decided that our children are expendable and could be sacrificed for the sake of a lie.