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Almost from the moment she is born, a little girl aspires to be a mother. Long before she knows her name, long before she says her first words, and before she even understands who God is, motherhood is an obsession for the child. If you give a baby doll to a little boy he will probably wrinkle his nose. But if you give a baby doll to a little girl, she will fall in love with it. That is an important part of God’s design, and God intends for parents to take advantage of the opportunity to form the character of the tender young heart.
God has arranged for the education of the aspiring young maternal cadet. Her own mom is the most apt and trusted teacher that a little girl can possibly have, as the mother teaches by word and by example. The success of the child’s future parenthood depends, more than anything else, on the commitment and the dedication of the parents to instill into the tender heart of their little girl the importance of motherhood. Hopefully, when a mother dresses her child in this shirt, the message on this outfit will be a reminder to the mother that she is preparing and equipping the mother of her grandchildren.
There is no higher or more sacred calling than that of motherhood. But Satan’s kingdom of darkness does everything it can disparage the God-given and holy calling of motherhood. Public schools and secular universities do the devil’s work to convince young people that children are a problem and a burden. The devil’s workers teach young people to be selfish and to put money and careers ahead of children. Satan’s lie to young people is that a baby is nothing more than an unwanted byproduct of free sex, and that the solution to the problem is in the abortion clinic.
While the child is still at home, while the parents are still the only teachers and are loved and adored by the child, before the messengers of Satan have had the opportunity to corrupt the mind of the child with their godless and destructive philosophies, now is the time to take advantage of the God-given opportunities that will never come again. Make a child’s earliest memories the memories of being loved and cherished by godly parents. Teach them from their earliest days that there is no higher calling than that of the sacred, God-ordained occupation of parenthood. Such diligent instruction will produce eternal rewards.