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A baby is only a baby once, and only for a very short time. This time of life presents many opportunities which will never come again for the parents to direct the course of the child’s life. This is the time when the baby is going to learn what is the “normal” condition of life. If a baby grows in a home where there is harshnes and abuse, the child will grow up thinking that harshness and angry words are a normal part of life, and that is probably the kind of home he might set up for his family because, after all, harshness and anger are normal. Love and kindnes might be something that other families experience, but such families are thought to be the rare exception, not the rule.
However, if from his first days the child is loved and charished, if he is always hearing from his parents that he is loved and wanted, that is what will become normal, and that is what he will expect out of life. That is the kind of home he will set up for his children because, after all, kind deeds and loving words are normal. For him harshness and anger is something unusual – something that happens in other homes, but not in his.
You only have one opportunity to give your child a happy babyhood. If you miss this chance you will never get another. And if your baby misses what only you can give him, it will leave a void in his life that will be hard recover from, if that is even possible. Now is the time to build a healthy relationship while other relationships and influences have not yet come into play. If the bond between parent and child is happy, that is where the child will go for guidance.