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We were told one lie after another about the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally they told us that it was started with a virus, naturally found in bats, and passed into human kind through an infected bat sold in an animal market in Wuhan, China. None of that was true. Covid was engineered from a SARS virus as a bio weapon to kill people and reduce human population. As early as 2002 a corona clone was patented, contrary to national and international law. By 2016 a covid virus was poised for human emergence. Perhaps it was not meant to be released at the time that it was, however, it was developed as a bio weapon.
Because of the illegal nature of this research, to lessen the risk of discovery to the public, further development and gain of function research was continued in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Some workers at the lab became sick, and the virus passed into the general population. There was an attempt to contain the spread by forceably arresting and isolating infected persons. Bodies of the deceased were cremated. Doors to apartment buildings were welded shut to keep the people inside. When the Chinese government knew that it was not possible to contain the virus, travel was restricted from Wuhan to the rest of China. However, people from Wuhan could travel outside the country, taking the man-engineered virus throughout the world, leading to millions of deaths worldwide.
Our government told us that everyone was in grave danger. That was not true. It was mainly a danger to the elderly and those with severe medical conditions. Children were virtually immune unless they had other respiratory or severe medical conditions. If they got a covid infection they might not even know it, or it would probably be no more severe than a mild cold. Yet we were told that children must wear face masks at school, and some wanted to add the covid shot to the list of shots required to attend public school. Face masks were not at all helpful because the pours in the masks were much to large to prevent a virus from passing through. Masks also caused health problems to some children. Many children also received severe injuries from the vaccine, and some died, all to “protect” them from a virus which was practically no danger at all to them, and the vaccine was never a help to anybody.
We were told that the emergency vaccine was necessary because it was the only effective treatment. That’s a lie. In the first place, the vaccines were not effective at all. Also, other inexpensive and much more effective medicines were available like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. In African nations where these medicines were available over the counter, the population was virtually untouched by the covid “pandemic.” In America lives were also saved by these, but they were very hard to come by because they were suppressed by the Department of Health, and many pharmacies refused to issue them. And someone who did get sick with covid would get his own natural immunity to the virus.
Because of the covid lie, schools were shut down. People were not allowed to attend church. Many thriving businesses were closed and never opened again. Strip clubs and abortion butcher shops, of course, were considered to be “essential,” and were therefore allowed to remain open. The covid lie was a handy tool to promote election fraud in the 2020 presidential election because poll observers were not allowed to get close enough to observe the ballet counting. All this mismanagement is much worse than incompetence. It is a gross disregard by the deep state swamp snakes against our freedom and even against our lives.