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In God’s eyes, every child is awesome. They are all alike, but they are all different. They are all alike because God loves them all alike, and they all have the same value before Him. Whether they are born into wealth or into poverty, whether they are born healthy or with severe disabilities, they all have the same value in His sight. God has no favorites. Each is so valuable that He sent His Son to redeem them because He wants each to spend eternity with Him in heaven. God gave each a free will because He wants each to love Him, and because love must be by choice.
But each child is different. Each one is original and unique. There was never before a child like the one who wears this outfit, and there will never be another like him afterword. “Identical” twins look alike, but only on the outside. On the inside their personalities are different. They are different because God has a different mission for each one, and each is perfectly suited for the purpose which God has assigned to him. Nobody else is suited for that this child’s assignment. If this child doesn’t do his job, his job doesn’t get done.
God only makes one of each. Since every child is different, his relationship with God will be different from anybody else’s. That’s the way God likes it. God loves variety. Of all the millions and billions in heaven, every one has a different relationship with God because each soul is different.
The job of parenting is an awesome responsibility because it is up to the parents to teach the child how to have a loving relationship with his Creator. It is the responsibility of the parents to prepare the child to find and fulfill the assignment which God has appointed for him. And, of course, the parents must also protect the children from all dangers, material and spiritual, especially from the agents of Satan who seek to destroy their souls. No parent can possibly fulfill these responsibilities correctly without God’s help. The parents must constantly be asking for God’s wisdom and and help, because only God knows how to do the job of parenting right with that particular, unique, child.