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The present, godless, phony, wicked, foolish, arrogant Biden Administration considers the people of America to be government property. They think that get to decide whether or not we get to go to church. They get to decide what medicines we can or cannot take for a sickness like covid-19. They get to decide what to teach our children, to turn them into communist revolutionaries, and to pollute their minds with pornography in school. They also get to decide what we must or cannot eat, and now they have decided to introduce something new into the American diet — INSECTS.
A pattern has already been set in places like Australia, Canada, and Europe where insect parts have been added to the common diet against the will of the people, and often without their knowledge. You have to carefully read the labels of products to see if insect material has been added. In Europe since 2021, meal worms and migratory locusts have already been included in the processing of foods like bread, cereals, soups, pastas, snacks and chocolate. Cereal bars may contain up to 25% insect material. In January of 2023 the European Union further approved the use of the house-cricket and the larva of the grain-mold beetle (also known as “buffalo worms)”. Other insects under consideration are the larva of the honey bee and the larva of the black-soldier-fly. In Canada they want to use a genetically-modified fruit fly loaded with unnatural growth factors which cause it to grow unnaturally.
The introduction of insects into diets is promoted by governments through the media because of “climate change.” Since beef cattle and other sources of meat like pork and chicken produce methane, and methane is a green-house gas, we must get rid of them to save the planet form global warming. Insects are promoted as high sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is all misleading. After freeze-dry processing, the protein value of insect material is only about 1/8 to 1/3 that of other sources of meat. The climate effect of methane produced by beef, pork, chicken and other meats is so tiny that the planet doesn’t even notice. These and other animals have been growing naturally in large numbers on the earth for thousands of years, and the planet is doing just fine.
There are also health considerations that we should be concerned with. Insect material can cause (and has caused) allergic reactions in some people with symptoms that have even lead to death. Some insects consumed in parts of Asia and China can infect people with dangerous parasites. Insect larva is also known to store dangerous pollutants like insecticides, fungicides, and heavy metals like lead and mercury. These health concerns don’t bother the deep state swamp snakes, politicians, and bureaucrats, though. While they force insect parts on the public, they will be feasting on beef, pork, chicken, and whatever else they want.
Yes, the governments of the world want to force a diet of insects on their people. Right now different governments are just encouraging insect consumption on the public, and sometimes slipping insect material into food products, hoping the public won’t notice. But they are getting ready to use force. People will eat bugs if there is no other food available. In Netherlands, which is the second-highest food producer in the world, the government is blackmailing and pressuring farmers of crops and livestock to sell out and close down their farms and greatly reducing the availability of fertilizer. In America, many food-processing plants have been mysteriously destroyed. Since the illegitimate Biden administration stole the 2020 election, here in the United States many food processing plants have been mysteriously burned and destroyed.
But why should any government want to force insect diets on it’s people? Simple. Think money. Genetically modified breeds of insets can be patented, and their producers granted exclusive rights. Insect producers have invested millions, maybe billions, into their new products, and they want a profitable return on their investment. Companies use their big money and influence on lawmakers to make other food production more difficult and more expensive, as they have been doing in the Netherlands. All this to promote the bug business against the will of the people.