All the content and products on this site are consistently Biblical. I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant word of God. I believe that the Bible, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, is perfectly accurate in every detail.
I believe that the modern theory of evolution, as explained by Charles Darwin, is total nonsense and is totally incompatible with the Bible. I believe that evolution is totally unscientific, and that it is a lie invented by Satan for the purpose of leading multitudes of people away from God and into hell. I believe that all created things in the material universe and in the spiritual universe were made by God during the six literal days of creation as described in the book of Genesis. I believe that Adam and Eve were literal persons from whom all other human beings are descended. I believe that Adam and Eve were created perfect and were placed in the perfect environment of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the literal fruit of a literal tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The sin of Adam and Eve planted a sinful nature in them, and this sinful nature has been inherited by all their human offspring (except for Jesus Christ), and the perfect habitation of planet earth was defiled. All human offspring who are of age, except for Jesus Christ, have obeyed their sinful nature and have sinned against God. The only way by which a sinful human being can reconciled to God is by repenting of his sin and by accepting the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for his sins.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, co-equal and co-eternal in His divine nature with God the Father and with God the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father. I believe that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself to die on a cross, that he rose from the dead the third day, that he ascended bodily to his Father’s throne, and that He will return to establish His righteous kingdom of absolute authority over the entire earth. I believe that at the command of Jesus Christ there will be resurrection of the justified and another resurrection lost and condemned. I believe that every saved person will stand before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ to give account to Him of their service for Him, and the saved will be rewarded according to their work for Jesus Christ. I believe that every lost person who dies in his sin immediately arrives in hell where he awaits judgment by Jesus Christ and will then be cast into the Lake of Fire where they will be tormented day and night for ever.
I believe that marriage and family were established by God. God has defined marriage in the Bible as the physical union between one man and one woman through the holy act of marital sex. I believe that sex in any other context is sinful and will be severely judged and condemned by Jesus Christ on the day of judgment against all who have not repented of their sin. I believe that the Bible teaches that fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia, and bestiality are sinful relationships. The bodies that we live in do not belong to us. They were created by God, and therefore they belong to God. Since the bodies we live in belong to God it is sinful to defile these bodies in any way that God forbids.
I believe that abortion is a very serious and wicked sin which God will judge very seriously by God. God is very merciful toward any who repent of this sin, and any who entreat God for His mercy for this sin, or any sin, will receive full pardon. However, God will never approve of this wicked action. All children, from the moment of conception, and even before conception, are loved by God and they belong to God. God loves each child equally, weather born or unborn, regardless of weather or not they have any disability, and regardless of weather or not they were conceived through rape, incest. No child is responsible for the situation in which he was conceived or the situation that he is born into. There is no such thing as an unwanted child. God loves them all and has a purpose for every one that He has made.
This site is unapologetically conservative. There may be promotions in favor of political candidates or organizations who are consistently pro-life and pro-America. I believe that every committed Christian should be involved in politics. Every Christian should pray daily for political leaders and that every child of God should speak against the corruption of society and should prayerfully seek God’s direction in how to take political action for the protection of family and the freedom of society. We should only take actions which we are sure that God has directed us to, and we must be prepared to face consequences for the sake of Jesus Christ, drawing from His strength. It would be better to take no action than to take an action and then recant.